Family and Community Engagement
Family and Community Engagement (F.A.C.E.) is committed to strengthening the relationship between our parents, stakeholders, and many others who are integral in helping Alexander City Schools position children to be successful. Our programs and initiatives are based on local and national best-practice models. We believe parents are partners in the educational process and the larger community constitutes the village for which we have many platforms designed for your engagement.
We strive to provide the best services to our stakeholders so please tell us how we are doing by email
Contact Information
Family and Community Engagement
375 Lee Street
Alexander City, AL 35010
Office: 256-234-8600
Chris Adkins
Family and Community Engagement Facilitator
Alice Owens
Federal Programs Coordinator
(Homeless & EL Learners)

Back to School Bash 2023
Who do we serve?
We serve the families and community of the Alexander City Schools District. Our schools include Jim Pearson Elementary (PreK-2), Stephens Elementary (3-4), Radney Elementary (5-6), Alexander City Middle School (7-8), and Benjamin Russell High School (9-12). You can check out school happening on the calendar below.